Tomball ISD Starts The Year With Virtual Learning

Tomball ISD has worked diligently towards their “Return to Excellence: Reopening 2020” plan. With COVID-19 numbers still on the rise, local and state officials have recommended delaying the start of face-to-face instruction. In consideration of student and staff safety, TISD has made the decision to start the 2020-21 school year off virtually until at least September 15.

Families will be presented with more information regarding the remote learning programs via the district’s website. Students will be expected to begin their online courses on August 18.

The decision to start the year off virtually followed TEA’s announcement that districts could offer an online-only option for up to eight weeks. Tomball ISD will remain virtual for at least four weeks and will continue to monitor and reevaluate their educational options as new guidelines and data is revealed.